Monday, 26 November 2012

                                                               The 7 habits
     Be proactive: This means to look at the bright side of things insteadof always looking at things negativly.
     Begin with the end in mind: It is telling you that what ever you
do in life you must have some sort of plan  other wise you could get
a problem.
    First things first: In life you will come across many crossroads, and you will need to make a christian choice. First of all you should always put family before friend and family befor the Lord.
    Think Win Win: To find solutions that benifit both sides of any dispute. Do not just find a solution that will work for you and not them because other wise you reallly havent accomplished anything. 

     Seek First to Understand: You have two ears but only one mouth. You should first listen and understand and then speak.

     Synergize: Working together with others to create something better than you can create on your own.

     Sharpen the saw: Renewing yourself so that you are ready again to take on the tough or even easy task.


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