Sunday, 25 November 2012

                                                               Be Proactive

         To be proactive is to take responsibility for your life.

               What to do.                         What not to do.

This text from the bible really encourages us to remember that in what ever we do. Then if we feel unable to do a tough task the Lord is always there to help us.

Can do people are always looking for a way to make something happen. But on the other hand Can't-do people are always waiting for something to happen they dont accually try to start anything

Now The habit also show that proactive people think before they act. Reactive will right away say something even if it is mean and negative to the person or group of people.

People who are always proactive have a better life over all than a person who is always reactive. If you are always putting people or yourself down you wont be as happy and your life will not be as enjoyable. But if you are nice to people you will feel really good inside and life will be better. 

Lots of people in this world thinks the world owes them something but it doesn't. Mark Twain says the following;
“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

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