Sunday, 18 November 2012

Synergize basically means that two heads are better than one. If you work with others you will be more likly to get ahead in life.

Synergize, a mindset of unlimited potential
In earlier habits we already talked about abundance and the power of visualizing. Synergize is the mindset to get there. We have to acknowledge the concept that the sum is more than its parts.

If there’s something you have to do to get the most out of this habit, it’s acknowledging that there are differences between people, and that these differences are there to celebrate! The paradigm shift in this habit focuses around differences, they’re not annoying, they’re very precious. The moment you realize this is wonderful, and you recognize the hidden value in it. It makes you wonder why you burnt all that energy on fighting differences, when there’s so much to gain from acknowledging them. Here is a story that Stephen Covey shares:
I learned this while we where renovating our current house. It happened when I had worked all day to paint most walls and the ceiling from our living room. I was nearly done, and satified with all the work I had done, and the improvement it turned out to be. My wife came in and started by pointing out all the spots I had missed!! Now I’m the type of person that likes to hear acknowledgment for a job well done, and I get this…it makes my blood boil. I took a deep breath…
But in that moment I suddenly recognized a NLP concept I had just read about. It’s about Matchers and Mismatchers. Matchers focus on what’s there, they seek parallels. Mismatchers on the other hand focus on what’s not there, they seek differences. Then and there it struck me that I was a Matcher, and that my wife was a Mismatcher. She just acted upon what she saw instantly, and the beauty of it, that was exactly the part I had trouble seeing. Synergy was about to happen, be it with a trivial thing as painting a wall.

Unlike the other habits I find it difficult to actively practice this habit. It’s more a mindset that proves its value in certain situations, it’s not that I walk around in a synergetic mood day in day out.This mindset is very useful when you feel you’re about to get into a conflict situation. I have some experience with it now, and it really works! But like I said, I’m not high vibing on synergy all day long, but that could also be an immaturity in implementing the habit.

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