Sharpen the Saw
Sharpening the say is about constantly renewing our self. It helps to keep the balance of Personal Production Capability. By this habit you can work more quickly and effortlessly.
There are four dimensions of renewal
- Physical
- Spiritual
- Mental
- Social
I will first talk about the Physical Dimension:
The physical dimension involves caring for your physical body- eating the right foods, getting enough res and relaxation and exersising on a regular bases.
Then comes the Spiritual Dimension:
The spiritual dimension is your center, your commitment to your value system. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift you and tie you to timeless truths of humanity.
The next one I am to talk about is Mental Dimension:
It is important to keep your mind sharp by reading, writing, organizing and planning. Read broadly and expose yourself to great minds.
The last one is the Social dimension:
This is short and sweet. renewing our social/emotional dimension requires focus and exersise in our inter action with others.
Now I am going to talk about the balance in renewal. Self renewal must include balanced reneal in all four dimensions-- physical,spiritual, mental and social. Neglecting any ones area negatively will hit everyone in the same way not only the area you hit.
You should also think about the synergy in renewal. Renewal in any dimensin increases our ability to live at least oneof the 7 habits. Improvement in one habit synergistically icreases our ability to live the rest.
Last of all I would like to talk about the upward spiral. Renewal is the principle and process that empowers us to move on a upward spiral of growth and change, of continuous improvement.
We should also remember that in what ever we do the Lord is there to guide us!
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