Monday, 26 November 2012

                                                               The 7 habits
     Be proactive: This means to look at the bright side of things insteadof always looking at things negativly.
     Begin with the end in mind: It is telling you that what ever you
do in life you must have some sort of plan  other wise you could get
a problem.
    First things first: In life you will come across many crossroads, and you will need to make a christian choice. First of all you should always put family before friend and family befor the Lord.
    Think Win Win: To find solutions that benifit both sides of any dispute. Do not just find a solution that will work for you and not them because other wise you reallly havent accomplished anything. 

     Seek First to Understand: You have two ears but only one mouth. You should first listen and understand and then speak.

     Synergize: Working together with others to create something better than you can create on your own.

     Sharpen the saw: Renewing yourself so that you are ready again to take on the tough or even easy task.


Sunday, 25 November 2012

                                                               Be Proactive

         To be proactive is to take responsibility for your life.

               What to do.                         What not to do.

This text from the bible really encourages us to remember that in what ever we do. Then if we feel unable to do a tough task the Lord is always there to help us.

Can do people are always looking for a way to make something happen. But on the other hand Can't-do people are always waiting for something to happen they dont accually try to start anything

Now The habit also show that proactive people think before they act. Reactive will right away say something even if it is mean and negative to the person or group of people.

People who are always proactive have a better life over all than a person who is always reactive. If you are always putting people or yourself down you wont be as happy and your life will not be as enjoyable. But if you are nice to people you will feel really good inside and life will be better. 

Lots of people in this world thinks the world owes them something but it doesn't. Mark Twain says the following;
“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

Friday, 23 November 2012

                                 Begin with the end in Mind

This means the following: Decide what your goals are or you destiny will be decided by others.

Its like a puzzle you have to decide what pieces fit together best in life. Also its when you have to develop a clear picture of where you want to go in your life.

Remember this:
Education                      This is a quote that fits this pretty good.
Succeeding                    "No one cares how much you know
Productive                       Until they know how much you care."

You should also remember these qualities of life.
1. Respect
2.Unconditional love
3. Honesty
5.Will support me in my pursuits/goals in my life.
6. Righteousness
7. Fun/good sense of humour.
8. Makes me laugh everyday.
9. Will make me feel whole - Not torn apart
10. Good listener.
11.Will make time for me and will want the best for me in life.

Think about this these are some cross roads that you will come to in life.
Will you join a gang?
Who will you date?
Will you drink ,smoke or do drugs?
What values will you choose?
What kind of relationships do you want?
What will you stand for?
How will you contribute to your community?

Will you fall into peer presure?

"The hardest thing in life is to know what bridge to cross and which bridge to burn."

For this quote you can always go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him for the help. Of course God always knows the right move to make and the right things to say in every circumstance.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

                           First things first

We should always put the important things before the not so important things for example we should put God befor man.

Here are some things that us Christians should remember in every day of life.
If we put God first, then we will be blessed!

God died on the cross for our sins so we will be saved, so we should respect him and worship him

When we our having troubles in our life we should always turn to God first because he is the only one that can truly help us.

As teens we have to always value every minute but lots of times we decide to ignore the good things and focus in on all the things that have gone wrong.

We should always try to overcome peer presure and remember that just cause you are not doing something that they want you to do in order to be cool. They are the ones who are wrong since they are pressuring you.

You will always have the occasional crossroad you will have to come to. Then again you will have to pick the wrong and easy way out or you can pick the hard but the right way to go. Its kind of like the time in the bible when you will come across two gates the small and hard path and the wide and easy path. But the easy big gate led to hell but the small hard path is led to heaven.

There are also alot of things that you could be for example you could be a yes man in other words he says yes to everyone and everything. Ignores himself and only does what others want him to do.

For certain things you always try to have courage and go out of your comfort zone for once in your life. This will later on beifit you.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

                             Think Win-win

Think win-win is when it benefits both people.
Think win-lose is when it only benefits one person.
Think lose-lose is when it benefits no one at all.

If you make someone else lose to make yourself win then you really are making yourself lose just as well if you keep doing this then in the end you will feel bad for what you did and you will lose too. So now it is think Lose-lose because you both lost.

Dont be a door mat- stand up for yourself. If your the mat then you are being used and abused prevent that dont let that happen.

Also be aware of the tumor twins. Compete and
compane, it can be good but it also can be bad.
Don't take things too far. We are all different it
will eventually become a part of who you are
for the rest of your live.

Win-win spirit: If you have troubles thinking win-win then dont just play the game as if you do it normally wont turn out that well. So the spirit will encourage you to think that way it will show the way one step at a time.

You shouldnt hide your feelings discuss them with someone else and you will feel alot better and you will feel like someone and the pieces should in the end be properly put all together.

Monday, 19 November 2012

                                             Seek first to understand
                                        then to be understood

We learn alot in school how to read and write and learning how to speak with proper language. But have you actually been listening to everything you are told about? Or are you just wandering in space in your own mind and ignoring what the teacher says?
You should always use your ears before your mouth or hands. If you don't quite understand what to do then you can mess alot up. For example if you are asked to do a job that envolves cutting if you cut in the wrong spot you can't undo a cut.

This habit is mainly about listening to the person telling what is happening or going on. Because you so often listen autobiographically, you tend to respond in these four ways:

You judge and then either agree or disagree.
Probing:You ask questions from your own frame of reference.
Advising:You give counsel, advice, and solutions to problems.
Interpreting:You analyze others' motives and behaviors based on your own experiences.

This isnt all bad if you are asked specifically to answer from your point of veiw then this is not problem but if you are not then then that isnt the greatest solution.
 Just think what if you were deaf or were born without any ears, then what? We of course take our hearing and seeing for granted. We should listen with what God has given us and be grateful that the Lord has so many beatiful sounds on earth that only some of us can hear.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Synergize basically means that two heads are better than one. If you work with others you will be more likly to get ahead in life.

Synergize, a mindset of unlimited potential
In earlier habits we already talked about abundance and the power of visualizing. Synergize is the mindset to get there. We have to acknowledge the concept that the sum is more than its parts.

If there’s something you have to do to get the most out of this habit, it’s acknowledging that there are differences between people, and that these differences are there to celebrate! The paradigm shift in this habit focuses around differences, they’re not annoying, they’re very precious. The moment you realize this is wonderful, and you recognize the hidden value in it. It makes you wonder why you burnt all that energy on fighting differences, when there’s so much to gain from acknowledging them. Here is a story that Stephen Covey shares:
I learned this while we where renovating our current house. It happened when I had worked all day to paint most walls and the ceiling from our living room. I was nearly done, and satified with all the work I had done, and the improvement it turned out to be. My wife came in and started by pointing out all the spots I had missed!! Now I’m the type of person that likes to hear acknowledgment for a job well done, and I get this…it makes my blood boil. I took a deep breath…
But in that moment I suddenly recognized a NLP concept I had just read about. It’s about Matchers and Mismatchers. Matchers focus on what’s there, they seek parallels. Mismatchers on the other hand focus on what’s not there, they seek differences. Then and there it struck me that I was a Matcher, and that my wife was a Mismatcher. She just acted upon what she saw instantly, and the beauty of it, that was exactly the part I had trouble seeing. Synergy was about to happen, be it with a trivial thing as painting a wall.

Unlike the other habits I find it difficult to actively practice this habit. It’s more a mindset that proves its value in certain situations, it’s not that I walk around in a synergetic mood day in day out.This mindset is very useful when you feel you’re about to get into a conflict situation. I have some experience with it now, and it really works! But like I said, I’m not high vibing on synergy all day long, but that could also be an immaturity in implementing the habit.